Tuesday 3 June 2014

E-Learning for all

I was feeling really excited last night, after a great PD session with my team. As we had a couple of team members away, we decided to have a bit of a session on using the aha para dashboard for Google Drive. I have been using this more and more in my class, and we had decided at the start of the year to have it for all our Year 5-8 students instead of using a USB for their work. I showed my colleagues the basics of login in and viewing student work, plus how to smart copy documents and files to the students' folders. We discussed how to get started with the kids, and I recommended focussing on the login process as many of my (older) students had found it difficult just getting their username right! It also gives teachers a great opportunity to discuss digital citizenship especially regarding keeping their passwords safe. We had some great discussions and I see today that many of the students had successfully logged it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maree
    It would be great if we could as a leadership team have an in-depth look at these learning tools with our view of implementation in 2015! Ill have a chat with Kathryn and maybe she can come up with recommendations for us to consider based on the teams experiences. Thanks Cheers Sue
