Personally, I wouldn't be without my iPad. Then again, I wouldn't be without my iPhone or my Toshiba laptop either. I use each device in a slightly different way within a classroom setting.
My laptop is my primary device. I think this is because a lot of the work I do is text based. It has the largest screen size, a full keyboard, a proper mouse... everything that I need to do my work quickly and effectively.
I use my iPad as a capture device - photos, videos, sounds - and use these to create content quickly and easily. Most of the content I create on it has limited amounts of text, because I don't like the onscreen keyboard very much.
My phone is a very hand portable device. I can pop it in my pocket to capture content, or to quickly respond to emails. I can do the morning or afternoon roll from anywhere in my class or school. The tiny screen is annoying for working on for any length of time, though.
So, is the iPad really the best device for interactive learning? It depends on what you're using it for.
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