Thursday, 21 August 2014

Te Wiki o te Reo Maori

When I first heard that this year's 'theme' for Maori Language week was "Word of the Week" I was a little disappointed. It seemed a bit harder to get into than in previous years.

However, I have since had a change of heart! I have been using the word of the week in my classroom by introducing the word, using the online resources ( to ensure correct pronunciation, and then challenging my students to use the word throughout the week.

This week's word was engari (but) and the kids had a bit of a giggle when it was first introduced (homophones can cause difficulties in a year 7/8 class!) however, since then we have had such wonderful sentences as: My picture looks cool, engari Jane's* looks even cooler!

It's been a great way to use a little bit of te reo in everyday life.

*Not her real name

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